Picture of Mary Ellen Phipps, MPH, RDN, LD

Mary Ellen Phipps, MPH, RDN, LD

Mary Ellen Phipps, MPH, RDN, LD, the founder of Milk & Honey Nutrition, is a diabetes dietitian (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist) renowned for combining her knowledge of diabetes and culinary expertise into easy-to-follow recipes and articles!


How to host an avocado brunch

Article Overview

 How to host an avocado brunch This post about how to host an avocado brunch was sponsored by Love One Today®. All thoughts and ideas are my own.

Photography by Courtney Griffin Photography.

Ain’t no party like an avocado party!! Ok, sorry for that, but seriously, keep reading for all my tips and tricks on how to host an avocado brunch!

When Love One Today® reached out and asked if I would throw an avocado-themed party for some of my closest friends, dietitians, and food blogger friends, I immediately said YES!! I mean, how cool is that?!

When I think brunch, I think sweet breakfast foods. Not sure why since I know plenty of savory foods are always on brunch menus, many of which I LOVE, but brunch always means sweet to me. Go figure. But don’t worry, I’ll include some savory menu options below too!

But first, in case you weren’t aware, Hass avocados are the “IT” food of the decade, and one-third of a medium-sized avocado provides 6g of healthy fats and 3g fiber.

Dietary fats, should not be avoided. It is essential to eat some fats because they are a major source of energy and help the body absorb fat-soluble nutrients.

There are two kinds of fats: saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are the “good fats”. The key to healthful eating is balancing the right amounts of the right types of fats. Eating foods high in good fats (unsaturated), like fresh avocados, in place of foods high in unsaturated fats has been shown to help reduce risk factors for disease and promote overall health.

Confusion about dietary fats may result in missed opportunities for healthful eating. This is especially alarming when considering heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and eating better is one important way to help prevent it. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans emphasizes that small shifts like moving away from saturated fats to good fats (unsaturated), like avocados, can make a big difference in promoting overall health.

 How to host an avocado brunch

Keep reading to learn all the ins and outs of how to host an avocado brunch…

How to host an avocado brunch: The invite

Now, it should be noted, this was the invite I sent to my guests… and then I totally forgot to serve guacamole. I know, major face palm moment. But if you decide to host your own avocado brunch, you can try out this Creamy Avocado Bacon Corn Dip I did last year right before football season.

   How to host an avocado brunch

How to host an avocado brunch: The decorations

I didn’t go all out on the decorations. Kept it clean and simple with some white, gold, and green themes, and the subtle avocado thrown in here and there.

   How to host an avocado brunch

How to host an avocado brunch: The Menu

The menu is easily the most important part of any party, but ESPECIALLY when you’re hosting a food-themed party! Here’s what I served…

Heart Healthy Flourless Chocolate Avocado Pancakes

Avocado Cacao Mousse

Heart Healthy Chocolate Avocado Energy Bars

Avocado Banana Cookies

…and an Avocado Toast station!!

 How to host an avocado brunch  How to host an avocado brunch  How to host an avocado brunch

How to host an avocado brunch: The Games and Activities

And what is a brunch with girlfriends without a little competition?? We played a fun game of avocado trivia… can you guess the answers??

  1. What does the avocado have in common with a banana? (It ripens after being picked)

  2. On average, how long does it take for an avocado to ripen if you buy it green? (4-5 days)

  3. What percentage of an avocado contains heart-heathy fat? (75%)

  4. What is the most popular variety of avocado? (Hass)

  5. How many grams of good fat are in a serving of avocado? (6g)

 Playing some avocado trivia! How to host an avocado brunch

And if you’ve got an adventurous crowd, you can show them how to get a little artsy with their avocados and make an avocado rose!

   How to host an avocado brunch Demonstrating how to make an avocado rose!     How to host an avocado brunch The finished product!

How to host an avocado brunch: The party favors

These favors were provided by Love One Today®, but you can also find some super cute avocado themed goodies at stores like Home Goods, Sur La Table, Williams Sonoma, etc.

   How to host an avocado brunch

Now that you know the ins and outs of how to host an avocado brunch, what are you waiting for?? Grab some Hass avocados and get to party planning!

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