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Chocolate Chip Almond Butter (N)ice Cream

I have a serious issue with ice cream. Like, I love it. I love it A LOT. But, I can’t buy it. It’ll be gone in less than 24 hours… or who am I kidding? Probably less than 12 hours. Doesn’t matter how big the container is… it just calls my name from the freezer, and I stink at ignoring it. So, we rarely have ice cream in our house.

But with summer approaching, and the weather getting warmer and warmer, sometimes it’d be nice to enjoy a nice cold bowl of the good stuff. But like I said, I don’t trust myself not to over do it. Nor do I want my kids loaded up with sugar… no bueno, trust me on that one.

Soooo, we do nice-cream in our house. All you need is some frozen bananas and a food processor and you’re all set. You can add any flavorings or sweeteners you’d like, but the combo below is one of my all-time favorites. This Chocolate Chip Almond Butter (N)ice Cream is sure to please everyone!

Chocolate Chip Almond Butter (N)ice Cream

Time: 2 hours     Yield: 4 servings

4 frozen bananas, sliced
2 Tbsp Crazy Richard’s Almond Butter
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
2 Tbsp chocolate chips*
2 Tbsp slivered almonds

Add frozen banana slices to your food processor and process for 5-7 minutes. It will start to look very creamy, but continue to process until it is one smooth consistency with no lumps.

While the food processor is still running, add in the almond butter and cocoa powder. Process for 15-20 seconds longer. Remove food processor bowl from machine and stir in chocolate chips and almonds by hand.

Serve immediately, or freeze for 1-2 hours for a firmer dessert. Enjoy!

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