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Grains & Berries Summer Salad

 Grains & Berries Summer Salad

Sometimes the best meals come from just cleaning out your fridge. That’s how this salad was born. Feel free to make any substitutions you like with what you have on hand. It’s simple, and super easy to prepare.

I love making my own homemade salad dressings. Most store-bought brands are loaded with added sugar, sodium, and preservatives. Making my own at home is so simple, and I almost always have all the ingredients I need on hand. I could take the time to come up with my own recipes, but there are so many great recipes out there already, like this Honey Mustard recipe I used for this salad.

Grains & Berries Summer Salad

Yield: 2 salads

5 cups leafy greens, broccoli, or kale slaw

1/4 cup honey mustard dressing (see link above)

1 cup cooked quinoa

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 cup blackberries

1/2 cup feta cheese

Toss the slaw in the Honey Mustard dressing, Divide the slaw onto two plates. Split the remaining toppings between the two salads. Enjoy as is, or top with chicken, tuna, or beans.

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