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Caffeinated Hot Chocolate

I developed this recipe for Caffeinated Hot Chocolate after we found out my husband has a food intolerance to coffee. (Read more about that here.) One sip of this, and he hasn’t missed coffee since!

This recipe was sponsored by Pinnertest. All thoughts and ideas are my own.

 Caffeinated Hot Chocolate

Caffeinated Hot Chocolate

6 fl oz. water

1 tea bag*

3/4 cup whole milk

2 tsp cacao powder

2 tsp maple syrup (or other liquid sweetener)

*You can use any flavor you like. Some great ideas are orange (or other citrus flavors), green tea, peppermint tea, or plain black tea.

Bring your water almost to a boil, either on the stove top or in the microwave. Place the tea bag in the water and let it steep for 3-4 minutes.

In the bottom of a large coffee mug, combine the maple syrup and cacao powder. Stir thoroughly using a fork. Gradually pour in the tea and stir thoroughly again.

Warm the milk in a separate coffee mug or other microwave safe cup. (Not boiling, but just enough to get it good and warm. Slowly add the milk to the tea and cacao mixture, and enjoy!

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