Dairy free

These dairy free recipes use dairy substitutes like almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, coconut milk and more, or don’t require any type of dairy at all!

Homemade Paleo Flour Blend side view in pink bowl

Homemade Paleo Flour Blend

Homemade Paleo Flour Blend

There are a number of reasons someone could need to follow a grain free diet, and often that means expensive grain free or paleo baking mixes. My homemade paleo flour blend is easy to mix and if you shop in the bulk section at your local store, much more affordable than buying mixes.

Grain Free No Added Sugar Banana Muffins with Walnut Pecan Topping

Grain Free No Added Sugar Banana Muffins with Walnut Pecan Topping

Grain Free No Added Sugar Banana Muffins with Walnut Pecan Topping

These Grain Free No Added Sugar Banana Muffins with Walnut Pecan Topping are the perfect way to use up those super ripe (almost black) bananas that seem to appear on your kitchen counter at the end of every week. Given the list of very blood sugar-friendly ingredients used to make them, they are perfect for anyone with diabetes in your life who enjoys a good banana muffin, but not the blood sugar spike that usually happens afterwards. They’re super dense, really moist, and the perfect after dinner (or anytime!) treat!

Homemade Zesty Ranch Popcorn Perfect for Movie Night with bag of bobs red mill nutritional yeast

Homemade Zesty Ranch Popcorn Perfect for Movie Night

Homemade Zesty Ranch Popcorn Perfect for Movie Night

Kick up movie night a notch with this Homemade Zesty Ranch Popcorn Perfect for Movie Night! It’s got that perfect zesty flavor and great for kids and adults alike. Nutritional Yeast gives it a deeper almost cheesy-like flavor

Raspberry Overnight Oats 3 Ways

Raspberry Overnight Oats 3 Ways

Frozen raspberries make an eye-catching and convenient addition to your holiday recipes with all the red and crimson-colored dishes making an appearance this time of year. You can use frozen raspberries to jazz up a quick bread or muffin recipe, bake a beautiful holiday-worthy pie, or even make a warming, beautiful bowl of morning oatmeal.

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