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No Added Sugar Orange Creamsicles

   No Added Sugar Orange Creamsicles  

These No Added Sugar Orange Creamsicles are sweetened with just the natural goodness of Florida Orange Juice. It’s the classic morning drink. Refreshing, smooth, and delicious. Florida Orange Juice has been a staple in our American diet for decades.

Some pretty cool health benefits…

Not only does Florida Orange Juice taste amazing, but it’s also got a lot going for it on the inside too. A single 8oz. glass will provide over 100% of your daily Vitamin C needs, and is also a good source of potassium, folate, and thiamin. Over the years, research has shown postiive associations between consuming Florida Orange Juice as part of a balanced diet and weight management, bone health, brain health, heart health, skin health, and more. And contrary to popular belief, consuming orange juice as a part of a healthy, balanced, and intentional diet, does not increase your risk for diabetes or other metabolic disorders. You can read more about that here.

The recommended Florida Orange Juice serving size for adults is 8oz., and a 4-6oz. glass for kids.

A few things to keep in mind…

Over the last several years, Florida Orange Juice (and other juices too) seems to have gotten a bad wrap health-wise. But, take it from this diabetic dietitian, there are a few things to consider before you go writing Florida Orange Juice off…

  • Note the recommended serving size for Florida Orange Juice is only 8oz. It only takes one small cup to give you ALL of these amazing health benefits.

  • Florida Orange Juice is not meant to replace your water intake throughout the day. (This is where some people can get themselves in trouble with all beverages in general when they start to replace what should be water with something else.)

  • Many “juices” on the market, actually have a lot of added sugar. This means that in addition to the natural sugars found in juice, manufacturers are adding additional sweeteners. The great thing about Florida Orange Juice is there is never any added sugar. Just the delicious, and natural, sweetness of Florida oranges.


How a diabetic dietitian drinks her Florida OJ…

But, I get it… you’re probably still wondering how in the world someone like myself can still enjoy a good glass of Florida Orange Juice?? Well, it all comes down to one of the first things I mentioned above… Florida Orange Juice is meant to be part of a well balanced and intentional diet.

Yes, Florida Orange Juice has natural sugar in it. About 21g in an 8oz. glass to be exact. (Compare that to the sugar content of your favorite smoothie, or restaurant juice.) So if I were to drink it by itself with nothing else, yes, it would spike my blood sugar. Just like eating a banana, or some dried fruit by itself would. But that’s where that whole balanced diet thing comes in.

Whether you’re diabetic or not, we shouldn’t be eating (or drinking) foods in isolation. This means that everytime you eat, or drink, we should be combining carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. When we eat foods and drinks that have all three of these nutrients, digestion happens at a slow and steady pace. Meaning we’re energized and satisfied for hours to come. 

How do I, as a diabetic dietitian, enjoy my Florida Orange Juice? I’ll pair a 6-8oz. glass with any of the following:

  • a few scrambled eggs

  • plain yogurt with peanut butter

  • an omelet with cheese and veggies

A few notes about added sugar…

If you’ve read even just one article on my website or taken a look at any of my recipes, you’ve probably noticed I like to keep sugar content low and added sugar as close to zero as I can.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that no more than 10% of calories come from ADDED sugar. Most people eat or drink way more than that. In fact, it’s estimated that nearly half of all added sugars in our diets come from the things we drink. I always encourage people to check ingredient lists and labels for added sugar content.

Naturally occurring sugars are meant to be there. They exist in perfect balance with other naturally occurring nutrients. It’s easier for our bodies to digest natural sugars than added sugars. But, just like any other food, you can take it too far. Even natural sugars can become unhealthy when eaten in excess.

What about kids?

Kids can safely consume 4-6oz. of 100% orange juice each day as part of a balanced diet. Assuming we’re doing the best we can to limit the amount of added sugars they are consuming, the sugar found in 100% Florida Orange Juice isn’t a big deal. When paired with the right foods, as I described above, and when drinking the right portion sizes, kids can get some of those amazing health benefits without worrying about getting too much sugar.

   I made these fun little orange juice cups for my girls a while back. I bought some larger mason jar glasses from the dollar store that had the lids with a straw hole already cut out. I just tranferred them to some smaller 4oz. jars and added a cute straw and they love them! This teaches them to view 100% orange juice just like they do any other food, and that we are intentional about drinking it. And that it doesn't replace their water since I don't serve it in the same cup. I made these fun little orange juice cups for my girls a while back. I bought some larger mason jar glasses from the dollar store that had the lids with a straw hole already cut out. I just tranferred them to some smaller 4oz. jars and added a cute straw and they love them! This teaches them to view 100% orange juice just like they do any other food, and that we are intentional about drinking it. And that it doesn’t replace their water since I don’t serve it in the same cup.  

Let’s get to cooking (and baking)…

You probably figured this is where this was going 🙂 Florida Orange Juice, in addition to all the points I made above, is also a great way to add natural sweetness (and great orange flavor) to some of your favorite recipes. Like these No Added Sugar Orange Creamsicles… they’re a great example of combining the amazing taste and nutrition of Florida Orange Juice with some quality protein and fat sources. And they’re very kid friendly! What kid doesn’t love a good popsicle in the summer?! Gluten free, dairy free, and nut free (see substitution options)… everyone will love these!

This recipe was sponsored by Florida Orange Juice. All thoughts and ideas are my own. 


No Added Sugar Orange Creamsicles

2- 2 1/2 cups Florida Orange Juice

1 15oz. can coconut milk or cream*

1/4 cup ground chia seeds

1/4 cup hemp seeds

* If you have a nut allergy in your house, you can replace the coconut milk with another milk or cream of your choice

Add the Florida Orange Juice, the whole can of coconut cream, ground chia seeds, and hemp seeds to the blender jar, and blend on high for 20-30 seconds. Pour the Orange Creamsicle mixture into popsicle molds or ice cube trays and freeze for at least four hours. Enjoy!

For more Florida OJ recipes and nutrition information you can head over to the Florida Orange Juice website to learn more!


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